Frequently Asked Questions

The Ossolineum Library makes its collections available only in its reading rooms.

1. Who can use the Ossolineum’s collections?

The collections of books and periodicals of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, as well as the collections available in the form of microfilms and digital copies, may be used by any adult after registration and obtaining a library card.

The special collections (manuscripts, early printed books, graphics, cartography, numismatics) may be used only by persons who have a valid library card and can prove the need to use a particular collection (e.g. a letter of recommendation from a supervisor, a university academic staff card, the consent of the Director of the National Ossolinski Institute, or are retired academics). The decision to grant access to special collections is taken by the head of the relevant division.

2. What documents do I need to register at the library?

Anyone wishing to use the collections of the Ossolineum must have the following documents with them:

  • Identity card,
  • Identity card + student card or credit book (students).

3. Where do I go to register with the library?

  • When you enter the building (from Ossolinski Alley), go to the Reader Registration Centre (third floor, next to the Main Catalogue). The librarians on duty there register new readers and issue them with library cards. Once issued, a library card should be carried with you whenever you go to the Ossolineum. The card costs PLN 10.
  • When you receive your card, please go to the cloakroom and leave your coat, bags, rucksacks, etc. there. Remember to bring your reader's card, identity card and something to write with you to the Main Reading Room. Please note that the cloakroom in the Ossolineum is compulsory and free of charge!
  • Next we go to the Main Reading Room and the Main Catalogue (3rd floor).

4. What does a library card entitle me to?

A valid library card entitles you to enter the Ossolineum without a pass; it is sufficient to present a valid library card and a document with a photograph to the security staff. However, if you wish to visit special sections, you will be given a pass and a badge marked "GUEST",
You can order books in the Main Reading Room, periodicals in the Periodicals Reading Room, use the Microforms Reading Room and the reference books in the special divisions.

The library card must be renewed annually.

Renewal is free of charge.

5. Are all the divisions of the Ossolineum housed in one building?

The Ossolineum has three buildings:

  • The building at 37 Szewska Street houses the Main Reading Room, the Main Catalogue, the Microforms Reading Room and the Reading Rooms of the special collections (manuscripts, early printed books, cartography),
  • The building at 24 Soltysowicka Street (near the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Wroclaw on Koszarowa Street): The Division of Periodicals and the Division of Documents of Social Life. In the building on Sołtysowicka Street, the rules for making the collections available are the same as in the building at Szewska 37,
  • The Pan Tadeusz Museum and the Cabinets of Witnesses of History (the Cabinet of Jan and Jadwiga Nowak-Jeziorański and the Cabinet of Władysław and Zofia Bartoszewski) are located in the Under the Golden Sun Tenement at 6 Rynek Street.

6 How can I access the periodicals?

The main part of the Ossolineum Library's periodicals collection is available in the Periodicals Reading Room at 24 Sołtysowicka Street, but many periodicals have been microfilmed and are available only in the Microforms Reading Room at 37 Szewska Street.

Information on the periodicals in the Ossolineum Library's collection can be found in the

Information on titles of microfilmed periodicals is available in the Microforms and Digital Collections Division Reading Room.

Before going to the Periodicals Division Reading Room at Sołtysowicka Street, it is advisable to check whether the journal has already been microfilmed, as it will then be available in the Microforms and Digital Collections Division Reading Room at Szewska Street 37.

Some titles of printed periodicals are also available in the Szewska Street building. Lists of these journals can be found in the Online Main Catalogue.

7 How do I order books and magazines for the Reading Room?

Orders for items listed in the Online Main Catalogue should be placed via the catalogue..

Orders for items not yet included in the Online Main Catalogue should be placed using the online order forms available HERE.

A maximum of 10 books can be ordered at any one time for the Main Reading Room and 5 copies of each of the 3 journal annuals for the Periodicals Reading Room.

Orders for the current day will be processed until 17.30. Orders received after this time will not be processed until the following day. Orders for the Main Reading Room for Saturday must be received by 14.45 on Friday at the latest.

Ordered books and journals will be held in the name of the orderer for 3 working days (from the date indicated on the form). Saturday is considered a working day. During this time you must come in person to the reading room, sign the order forms and collect the ordered items. After 3 days, the ordered items will be returned to the warehouse.

8. Who can I contact for help and information?

The staff of the Research Information Division and the librarian on duty in the Main Reading Room are available to help you with problems relating to the use of the Ossolineum collections and with information about the Ossolineum collection.

You can also ask questions using the Ask a Librarian form.

9 Is it true that the Ossolineum lends out books?

The Ossolineum lends out its collections only to authorised persons, i.e. current and retired employees of the Ossolineum and independent researchers from universities and scientific institutions in Wroclaw. This is stated in the Rules and Regulations for the Use of the Collections of the National Ossolineum Library.

10. Is it possible to make copies of ordered material?

Photocopiers are available in the Main Reading Room and the Periodicals Department Reading Room. Copies will only be made if the condition of the publication allows it. The decision is made by the librarian on duty. Complete copies are not made in the reading rooms - such a service (if allowed by the copyright law) can be provided only in the Reprographic Studio, following a corresponding order and the approval of the Director of the National Ossolinski Institute.

In addition to black and white and colour photocopies, it is possible to order black and white or colour photocopies, scans of microfilms, negatives and diapositives, as well as scans and digital photographs from original materials. It is also possible to transfer microfilm and material previously held in electronic form to CD-ROM.

Detailed information on copying can be found on the page dedicated to reprographic services (Ossolineum website, in Polish).